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Confronting Student Mental Health: Practical & Legal Considerations in General Education

1 hour

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About this webinar

In this webinar, nationally recognized school law practitioner John Comegno provides information about legal and practical considerations of working with students with SEB needs in the general education setting.

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Frontline Education is a leading provider of school administration software, dedicated to helping K-12 leaders achieve their district’s goals. Our solutions empower administrators to manage critical areas like finance, HR, special education, and student health efficiently. Trusted by over 10,000 school district clients, Frontline delivers the insights and tools needed to save time, improve compliance, and support school leaders to drive positive outcomes.

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You support kids’ social, emotional and behavioral (SEB) needs every day. But how can you do that effectively with limited resources – and lack of consensus on how they should be used to help students? Is there anything you should avoid doing to address SEB needs?

In this webinar, nationally recognized school law practitioner John Comegno provides information about legal and practical considerations of working with students with SEB needs in the general education setting.

You’ll learn:

  • Sobering statistics on student mental health issues
  • SEB resources available in a general education setting
  • Potential legal consequences of not providing consistent SEB support
  • Things to keep in mind when working with parents
  • Ways to be increasingly mindful of equity as a community


“We ought to further our family partnerships and our community partnerships. It’s not something that can be understated, because this is a community consideration and we need to work together.”

John Comegno

DISCLAIMER: Frontline Education does not provide legal advice. Always consult your district’s legal counsel on issues surrounding mental health issues.

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