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Substitutes as Educators

As your district seeks to provide an outstanding education to students, don’t overlook the crucial role that substitutes play. They step into unfamiliar settings and bring energy to classrooms of students who are brand new to them.
And substitute teaching can be a difficult job that’s often dogged with stereotypes and unfavorable preconceptions — two factors that contribute to substitute shortages and low fill rates.

What can you do to help overcome these challenges?

With a holistic approach to substitute management that focuses on treating substitutes like the educators they are, you can build a first-rate substitute program that works better for everyone: students, substitutes, and teachers — and that makes your life easier, as well.
Of course, a first-rate substitute program doesn’t happen by accident. It takes work, planning, and a deep understanding of your substitutes themselves. But you don’t have to start from scratch — we’ve put together a free white paper on creating a substitute program that truly makes an impact.
You’ll learn​:

  • How to overcome common challenges by changing the perception of substitute teaching.
  • Steps you can take to ensure that substitutes are eager to work in your schools and engaged in the classroom.
  • Why recognition and a sense of community help attract more substitutes to the district.


Changing Perceptions:
Substitutes as Educators