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Stronge and Associates

Stronge and Associates Educational Consulting, LLC provides products and services to enhance teacher and leader effectiveness, based on the extant research and analysis of educator professional practice and instruction. These products and services include hiring protocols, evaluation systems and professional development and support strategies, and are used throughout the United States and in over 20 countries.

Stronge Effectiveness Performance Evaluation System (powered by Frontline Professional Growth)

Districts and states can now use one comprehensive, uniform evaluation system with components for teachers, educational specialists, principals, central office administrators and superintendents. Each educator receives a comprehensive evaluation on 7 performance standards specific to his or her role, using multiple data sources including observation, artifacts, surveys and student progress goals.

  • RESEARCH-BASED CRITERIA. Based on the extant research on the qualities of effective educators, the Stronge Effectiveness Performance Evaluation System takes what we know matters and turns it into a practical, feasible system.
  • A COLLABORATIVE PROCESS. Evaluators and those being evaluated contribute to the process. With scoring done only at the summative level, self-reflection and collaboration bring extra dimension to evaluations.
  • EVERYTHING IN ONE PLACE. Frontline Professional Growth provides an easy way to manage evaluations by hosting the entire process in one online platform. Multiple measures sync to one central location, putting all data for decision-making, scoring and feedback at your fingertips.


Stronge Master-Coded Simulations (powered by Frontline Professional Growth)

Stronge Master-Coded Simulations provide a turnkey solution for evaluator training and calibration. Coded to the Stronge performance standards, each simulation includes classroom observations and associated artifacts with Stronge master-coded explanations of the evidence and summative rating for each performance standard.

  • INTER-RATER RELIABILITY. Calibrate evaluators in your district, ensuring a common understanding of research-based standards for valid, reliable best practice.
  • TEACHER TRUST. Ensure accurate and fair assessment of professional and instructional practice that promotes buy-in and a growth mindset.
  • CLASSROOM IMPACT. Drive professional learning and impact classroom practice with feedback rooted in research-based criteria and standards.


Stronge Hiring Protocol (powered by Frontline Recruiting & Hiring)

The Stronge Hiring Protocol provides a multi-tiered screening process designed to help you narrow your applicant pool and hire the best candidates quickly, effectively, and easily. Based on the research on the most effective interviewing and selection strategies, the Stronge Hiring Protocol includes systems for teachers, teacher assistants, educational specialists (e.g., counselors), principals, district leaders, classified personnel, and substitute teachers.

  • EFFECTIVE HIRING. Make sound hiring decisions based on solid research, not instinct. Frontline’s screening assessment tools help narrow your search down to the most qualified initial candidates, while the Stronge Hiring Protocol takes the process one step further, ensuring the interview process is completed through an “effectiveness lens,” based on what research tells us makes a difference in schools and student success.
  • STRUCTURED INTERVIEWS AND DATA PROTOCOLS. The Stronge Hiring Protocol’s multistep selection process includes structured screening and comprehensive interviews with effectiveness indicators and rubrics for evaluating candidate responses, a performance component (for selected positions), a standardized reference check, and resulting professional development plan so that educators can start their employment addressing identified areas of strength and potential need.
  • INTER-RATER RELABILITY. Standardized, research-based interview questions and field-tested scoring rubrics increase objectivity and consistency and ensure the same criteria are being used by each interviewer.


“I’m very impressed with the Stronge Principal Evaluation Model. It is based on quality research on what effective Principals do on a daily basis. All of my district Principals and Vice Principals received high quality training in the evaluation system from a member of the Stronge team.”
– Danny Robertozzi, Ed.D., Superintendent, Linden Public Schools, Linden, NJ

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Please fill out the form to learn more about the Stronge Effectiveness Performance Evaluation System, the Stronge Hiring Protocol and the Stronge Master-Coded Evaluator Training and Calibration Simulations.