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An Innovative Financial Wellbeing Solution for Your District

Frontline’s exclusive partnership with Wagestream provides a revolutionary tool designed to empower K-12 districts in recruiting and retaining top talent by granting employees unprecedented control over when they get paid.  

Awards & Accolades

Recruit and retain talent with enhanced financial wellbeing benefits 

Through providing essential financial wellness benefits and flexible pay options, Frontline Flex Pay, powered by Wagestream, has become a cornerstone for over 3,000 districts striving for innovation in employee satisfaction and retention. Discover the transformative power of flexible pay with Frontline Flex Pay today! 

“When we bring new employees on board who have come from a situation where they were getting paid every other week, and now it’s monthly pay, for some of them that’s a turnoff. They just can’t. They are just not in a financial position where they can even make that leap to us. I thought, ‘[Frontline Flex Pay] could help with that as well.’”

Dr. Sharra Smith
Executive Director of Personnel, Bellevue Public Schools

Reduce Turnover

59% of employees report they are less likely to search for new employment when offered flexible pay options. 

Attract New Talent

Showcasing Frontline Flex Pay, powered by Wagestream as a benefit has shown a +27% improvement in talent attraction on major job platforms.

Ease of Implementation

Launch with no implementation costs, software licensing fees, or disruptions to your district’s payroll process.

“[Frontline Flex Pay] is a big game changer for me.”

Katie Volk

“[Frontline Flex Pay] made it so much easier for me financially.”

Carla Mitchell

What is Flexible Pay?

Flexible pay provides employees the freedom to access a portion of their earned but not yet paid wages anytime, offering a lifeline that aligns their cash flow with life’s demands, thereby enhancing their overall well-being and focus on their passion: education. 

How does Frontline Flex Pay Work? 

Frontline Flex Pay offers daily access to earned wages for all district employees, removing the wait for traditional payday, enhancing financial security, and empowering employees to manage their finances with ease.  

Why Frontline Flex Pay?  

  • TRUSTWORTHY – Frontline Flex Pay reflects Frontline’s enduring commitment to the success and financial autonomy of K-12 administrators, offering a risk-free, interest-free advance on earned wages. 
  • PROVEN – Showcasing success in over 3,000 districts, Frontline Flex Pay is a testament to the positive impact of flexible pay benefits on employee retention and satisfaction. 
  • STREAMLINED – Integrating seamlessly with existing payroll systems, Frontline Flex Pay promises a hassle-free setup, ensuring immediate value to both districts and their employees. 
  • BENEFICIAL – Frontline Flex Pay caters to all district employees, both instructional and non-instructional, providing them with control over their pay frequency and access to immediate financial support. 
  • HOLISTIC – Enrollment in Frontline Flex Pay unlocks a comprehensive suite of financial wellness tools, designed to foster financial independence and literacy among K-12 employees. 

Experience the future of payroll with Frontline Flex Pay, powered by Wagestream. Empower your staff with the flexibility they deserve and the financial wellness they need. Join the revolution today. 


FAQs For All Employees

  • Is it free for employees? 100% Free!
  • Is this only available to substitute teachers? Wagestream has now provided the capability to make it accessible for ALL EMPLOYEES!
  • How soon can employees access their wages? They have daily access to their wages rather than having to wait until the traditional bi-weekly or once-a-month “payday.”

FAQs For Districts

  • What is Wagestream Flexible Pay Option? Flexible pay allows staff to retrieve a portion of their earned but not yet paid wages on demand.
  • Is there any cost or impact to district cashflow or payroll processing? No, there is no implementation cost, software licensing fees or disruption to your current payroll process.
  • Who handles support requests? Wagestream handles all operations and support requests.