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Teacher Absences & Subs

Recruiting Substitute Teachers: A Data-Informed Approach

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Raise your hand if you think your district has enough substitute teachers. Now wave it all around.

The odds that you’re currently sitting at your desk, waving your hand in the air like you just don’t care, are slim to none. And chances are, your goal is to solve the issue of your substitute shortage by hiring more. But before you commit to a recruiting strategy, there’s something you should know.

Some of the most common substitute recruitment strategies are expensive and ineffective.

It’s the unspoken secret of the substitute management world, but the substitute shortage won’t be solved by spending more money on recruitment efforts. And yet, faced with a substitute shortage, many district administrators will begin advertising “Substitute Teachers Wanted!” through traditional channels — putting signs up on district property, running an ad in the local newspaper or even renting a billboard along a local highway.

You can spend more funding on advertising, but you’re unlikely to find more than a handful applicants. Those who are qualified to be substitutes know that it’s a career option and are probably already aware of your district.

So, if the following is true:

  • Recruiting strategies often aren’t the best use of your district’s limited resources.
  • Recruiting budgets are already tight.
  • Every dollar your district spends needs to be tied to results.
  • The district is struggling with a substitute shortage.

Then what should you do?

Identify the real problem behind the substitute shortage.

If you’re trying to increase the size of your substitute pool, chances are it’s because you’re struggling to find people to come in and cover absences. But the real problem may not be the size of your substitute pool — it could be a fill rate issue. Or, it could be some combination of the two.

Deeper Assessment: Treating the Problem, Not the Symptom 

With the right data, you can diagnose the underlying cause of your district’s substitute shortage. All you need to do is consider the following metrics.

Teacher absenteeism

To state the obvious, more teacher absences will mean you need more substitutes to fill in. If your teachers are absent often, you may wish to focus on proactively managing leave rather than finding more substitutes. If this is the case, here are a few things to consider:

  • Your district’s leave policies may not be followed to the letter. This is more often the case in districts using paper-based processes to manage employee leave. Communicating district policies (and the need to comply with them) to campus administrators can help.
  • The issue may not be the number of teacher absences, but the timing of them. Identify high-absence days in your district and make clear why it’s important to limit the number of employees out at a time.
  • Professionally related absences have a greater impact on instructional time than you might expect. When scheduling professional learning opportunities, try staggering them to avoid sparking a crisis-level substitute shortage. Or, encourage professional learning that doesn’t take educators out of the classroom.

Substitute teacher engagement

Before using valuable resources to recruit more substitutes, take a closer look at your existing sub pool. Many districts don’t have a shortage of substitutes — they have a shortage of engaged substitutes. So, how do you know if this is the case in your district?

Start by calculating the percentage of substitutes on your list who are actively taking jobs in your district. Then, look at the substitutes who do accept jobs in your district, and calculate how many days they work on average.

If you find that many substitutes in the pool aren’t engaged, focus on that. Ignoring substitute retention in favor of recruitment can leave you with a time-consuming and expensive revolving door of unengaged substitutes to manage. Instead, invest in retention — after all, those substitutes have already shown interest in your district. Consider how to re-engage substitutes or improve a high-performing sub’s experience.

  • Can they easily find and accept jobs in your district?
  • Are they being hammered by multiple phone calls from secretaries or teachers — even if they’ve already accepted a job?
  • If they’re high-performing, has the district shared that news with them?
  • Is the district paying market-rate for a substitute’s time?

Focusing on these questions can help you improve fill rates while spending less than if you were to expand recruiting efforts.

[Timeline] The Truth Is… We Could Not Run Our Schools Without Our Substitutes

Examine your teacher-sub ratio

Last, but certainly not least, examine your teacher-to-substitute ratio. In data from the 2017-2018 school year, the Frontline Research & Learning Institute uncovered a clear, consistent correlation between lower teacher-sub ratios and higher fill rates percentages.

You can find your district’s ratio, along with customizable benchmarks, in Absence Management. If you don’t use our software, you can still find your district’s ratio, but it’ll require a little more effort. Take the total number of classroom teachers in your district who would require a substitute if they were absent and divide it by the total number of substitute teachers on your list.

For reference, the national average for this metric is about 1.85.

If you have a relatively low ratio of employees to substitutes, then your best course of action is most likely to focus on improving substitute engagement. But if your district’s ratio is relatively high, that can be a signal that it is in fact time to recruit more substitutes.

Here’s how to recruit more substitute teachers.

If you’ve looked at your district’s data and determined that you really do need to recruit more substitutes, rather than focus on engaging and retaining existing subs, what should you do?

You certainly can try putting an advertisement in the local paper, but you’re unlikely to reach a new large pool of people who are both qualified and interested. Data shows that low unemployment and low substitute wages make it difficult to attract more substitutes, no matter how much time or budget you spend on recruitment.

The fact is, low unemployment and low substitute wages make it difficult to attract more substitutes, no matter how much you spend on recruitment.

Focus on relationships.

The more local and community-based your efforts are, the better — it’s unlikely that qualified people will move to the area just to be a substitute teacher in your district.

If possible, reach out to retired educators in the area and ask them to consider coming back as substitutes. You may also find success in reaching out to the parents and families of current students — it can’t hurt to ask.

Or, get in touch with local universities to see if you can work out a partnership. If they have a school of education, that could be the perfect opportunity to build relationships with new teachers early in their careers. Even if your local college doesn’t have a teacher preparation program, you may still find students interested in working as substitutes when they don’t have class. And as a bonus, you might end up persuading a few to pursue a career in education.

Build a reputation as a good district to sub in.

Back to the topic of substitute engagement — remember that word gets around about schools’ working conditions. If substitutes enjoy being in your schools, they’ll tell other educators about their experience. And if they have a terrible experience subbing in your schools… they’ll definitely tell other educators about their experience.

Ensuring that substitutes are welcomed into the school community and appreciated for their hard work helps you build a reputation as being a great place to work. Word-of-mouth can be a powerful tool for growing your substitute pool — and it’s free.

But you don’t have to take our word for it. At Spring Grove Area School District, a new initiative focused on providing phenomenal customer service to substitute teachers resulted in a threefold increase in the number of substitutes regularly taking jobs.

In addition to word-of-mouth, you may want to consider showing your appreciation for substitutes in a more public way. Whether you invite local media to celebrate your substitutes with you or devote some time to recognizing them on social media, you have the opportunity to show that they’re an integral part of the district.

Make it easy to become a substitute teacher.

Finally, remove as many barriers as possible from the application and hiring process. Obviously, there are some steps that are absolutely critical — like the background check. But if you require potential substitutes to jump through hoops and go through a manual, paper-based process, you might lose out on qualified candidates.

Your best option is to use the same applicant tracking system you use to hire teachers and other district employees, like Frontline Recruiting & Hiring. Allowing substitutes to apply online will help you build your applicant pool and save you hours of time sorting through resumes and applications. Likewise, the more you can automate the onboarding process, the easier it’ll be on your new substitutes — plus, spending fewer hours onboarding new hires is bound to be a relief to you, too.

Don’t forget that your application process may be the first interaction a potential substitute or employee has with your district, so make sure it leaves a great first impression. It’s all part of building a strong reputation as a district that’s easy to work for.

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