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Unlocking the Power of Data for Successful Human Capital Management in K-12 Operations

Unlocking the Power of Data for Successful Human Capital Management in K-12 Operations

Effective Human Capital Management (HCM) is a key factor in determining the success of a school district and its mission.
In a recent webinar, Susan Walters, Principal Solutions Consultant, Jen Hahn, Solutions Consultant and Stan Wisler, Strategic Account Advisor from Frontline Education, explored the crucial role data plays in Human Resources and best practices for creating a data-driven culture within a district.
Read on for more!

Creating A Data-Driven Culture

Stan Wisler walked attendees through “data-driven culture” at a high-level, and how it can be used to improve outcomes and build trust in school districts. As a school district administrator or HR professional, you should know your district’s data. When staff, board or community have questions, having this data be readily accessible and properly managed is a must. That way, decisions related to professional development, staffing and recruitment, expenses and rates, retention strategies and a whole multitude of other processes or concerns are informed by real circumstances and root issues, rather than gut feelings.
Now, a “data-drive culture”doesn’t mean that experience, judgement and environmental factors should be abandoned. Data doesn’t have to make a school environment rigid or sterile; data that is relevant, timely, and easy to understand can be complementary to these other sources of information. Data helps keep you current, enhances transparency and helps tell the story of your district.

“The goal is to turn data into information,
and information into insight.”

Carly Fiorina, Former CEO of HP


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Connecting a Data-Driven Culture with the Best Practice of HR

By actively embracing a data-driven practice and culture, your staff can continue to ground your school’s culture in data and make important decisions based on evidence.
Here are three areas where data can make a huge difference when it comes to HR responsibilities and processes. Jen Hahn walked webinar attendees through ways that data helps pose and answer important questions and improve outcomes.


Using Human Capital Analytics Software to Drive a Data-Driven Culture

Susan Walters rounded out the panel by discussing next steps – implementation of data analytics in these previously painted scenarios. Human Capital Analytics and an HCM system can make all the difference when working through these issues, providing consistent reporting and standardized analysis and communication of trends.


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Important Features to Look for in Human Capital Analytics Software
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Here are a few advantages of Frontline’s Human Capital Analytics solution.
The software, in addition to helping you identify and solve issues those explored above…


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