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Frontline Special Education Management & (Formerly) Excent Enrich

Frontline Special Ed & Interventions

Questions about Excent becoming a part of Frontline Education? You’ve come to the right place!

Here are a few of the most frequent questions we hear from school districts who are wondering what the move means for them. Don’t see your question here? Don’t hesitate to contact us!

Why have the product names changed?

Since becoming a part of Frontline Education, Excent Enrich has been rebranded as Frontline Special Education Management. The name change helps align Excent’s products with the rest of the K-12 software solutions Frontline Education offers.

How is Frontline Special Education Management different from Enrich?

Despite the name change, the software hasn’t changed in terms of functionality. However, our team is working constantly to improve Frontline Special Education Managements’ integration with the rest of Frontline’s solutions to provide your district with even better tools.

How does Frontline Special Education Management help to streamline special education management?

Frontline Special Education Management will help your school district contribute toward improved outcomes for children with special needs by:

Does it integrate with my other software systems?

You can integrate data from the district’s student information system including demographics, enrollment details, course involvement, transcripts, attendance and discipline records. Although the SIS is the authoritative source of the information, by integrating this information nightly, users can get a comprehensive view of a student without the added effort of logging into other district systems.

Functionality that allows districts to batch upload state-level testing results directly into Frontline Special Education Management allows users to easily consider these results when determining best programming and services for each student. Creating and running reports based upon assessment data allows for the grouping of students with similar limitations, and a batch intervention process makes it efficient to develop appropriate plans for multiple students at one time.

How does the system help to manage programs for other special student populations (RTI, ELL, Gifted programs, 504)?

The full Frontline Special Education Management solution allows staff to manage all special programs under one umbrella. Customers routinely manage special education, RTI & MTSS, English Learner Programs, Section 504 and Gifted programs within the solution, and some districts even manage student records related to custom programs such as general education behavior. A standard navigation model used throughout the solution minimizes the learning curve when adding new modules. In other words, once you know how to work in one module, the knowledge is transferrable to all.

How does using an integrated IEP / Medicaid reimbursement tool save my district time and money?

By managing all your special education and interventions processes in our full solution, you will:

What hardware or software do I need to install?

Frontline Special Education Management is a fully web-based solution, which does not require any additional hardware or software. Also, districts can provide secure access to the database outside of the district network, allowing users to work during off-hours if needed.

How much does Frontline Special Education Management cost?

The cost of Frontline Special Education Management is an annually renewing maintenance and license fee based upon the number of students a district manages within the special program purchased (i.e. special education, RTI/MTSS, ELL/ESOL, Gifted). The first year of a new contract includes additional implementation fees including project management, configuration and training that only occur once.

If you’re interested in implementing Frontline Special Education Management, a Frontline representative can consult with your district to understand your needs, align them with our solutions and provide a proposal customized for your district.

What kind of support do you offer?

Our world-class Client Success teams are accessible by phone or email. Our teams are trained to work in specific geographic areas to ensure a deep knowledge of requirements and configurations unique to specific states, and they are experienced in IDEA requirements and other educational initiatives such as RTI/MTSS, Section 504 and ELL/ESOL.

What happens when my state makes changes to forms and program requirements?

Changes to program input screens and output documents that result from changing state requirements are of highest priority and are covered under the annual maintenance and support contract. There is no additional cost for program changes required by state Departments of Education.

Does Frontline Special Education Management allow for Progress Monitoring?

Frequent and regular progress monitoring toward goals is a hallmark of the RTI/MTSS initiative and was incorporated into the goals section of Frontline Special Education Management from its initial development. Progress Monitoring is available for any module that includes the Goals section within the configured plan. For most customers, that means IEPs in Special Education and Interventions in RTI/MTSS.

When plans are developed, users indicate frequency of progress monitoring and how progress will be measured. Once a student’s baseline and target are established, dashboard prompts alert users when it is time to document progress, using the schedule defined when the plan was written. The software graphs each data point, providing a view of progress and trends. The resulting graph can be published to a student’s Progress Report and shared with parents.

What are the benefits to using Frontline’s solutions vs. other companies’?

At Frontline, we are actively pursuing a vision to bring the K-12 education community a comprehensive, integrated portfolio of solutions. Special education management is a key component of this portfolio, and Excent was a clear leader in this area with a strong set of solutions and industry expertise. Bringing these solutions together will open up even more opportunities for K-12 organizations to make connections and gain insights across various operations in the district.

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