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Thriving Beyond ESSER: Smart Strategies for Funding and IT Asset Management 

As school districts navigate the complex landscape following the expiration of ESSER funds, technology leaders face unprecedented challenges. From sustaining technology investments to optimizing inventory management, districts must be proactive to ensure long-term success. This guide distills insights from education technology leaders shared during a recent panel at the TCEA Convention in Austin, Texas, offering actionable best practices for managing post-ESSER funding and effective inventory practices. 

The Panel:

Mitch Davis 

Director of Technology,
Ector County ISD

Eric Laszakovits 

Technology, Training & Development Manager, Northside ISD

Cary Owens

Chief Technology Officer,
Abilene ISD

Here were the key takeaways from the discussion:

1. Understand the Impact of Post-ESSER Funding in Your District. 

ESSER funds have played a major role in supporting technology purchases, staffing, and educational programs. Now, districts must shift their focus from rapid technology expansion to sustainability. The key question is how to maintain the devices, programs, and personnel funded by ESSER while identifying new funding sources and optimizing existing budgets. This transition means districts will need to think strategically, creatively manage resources, and collaborate across departments. 

Key Considerations:

2. Employ Proactive Inventory Management Strategies. 

Keeping track of your technology inventory is key to staying on budget and avoiding surprises. Regular audits help you know exactly what you have, where it is, and what condition it’s in. One best practice to consider is conducting a full inventory check once a year, with quarterly spot-checks led by campus staff. This keeps data accurate, helps catch issues early, and prevents major losses or budget shortfalls. 

Best Practices: 

3. Get Your People on Board. 

Managing technology effectively is more than just an IT responsibility. One key aspect is keeping finance leaders informed about technology needs. Be transparent, with clear communication about the number of devices needing replacement, their costs, and the potential risks of outdated equipment. Showing clear data and maintaining open discussions will help lead to informed decisions that align with both financial and operational priorities. 

Tips for Gaining Support: 

4. Extend Device Lifecycles. 

With limited new funding, extending the life of existing devices is crucial. Think creatively! Mitch Davis of Ector County ISD noted, “We’ve shifted into doing in-house repairs with our 18+ special education students. That gives them life skills and a routine. It’s beneficial for both us and the students.” 

Lifecycle Management Recommendations: 

5. Ensure Accountability for Technology Use. 

Accountability can be a challenge. One strategy districts have found helpful is tying accountability to tangible outcomes, such as financial responsibility for lost or damaged items. For example, when campuses are required to cover the cost of missing equipment like chargers, it encourages both staff and students to be more mindful about device care. Additionally, creating clear policies, setting expectations early, and involving school leadership in enforcement can significantly improve accountability across the board. 

Strategies to Enhance Accountability: 

Navigating the post-ESSER era requires a strategic, data-driven approach to technology and inventory management. Relationships are important as well. Building strong connections across departments and campuses, with vendors, and within the wider education community promotes collaboration, resource-sharing, and fresh perspectives. When district leaders, IT staff, and finance teams maintain open communication, it’s easier to solve challenges together. As Mitch Davis put it, “Venture out, make relationships. Just hearing people out has been huge for our district.” 

From Manual Asset Tracking to Real-time Efficiency 
How Frontline Asset Management led to streamlined processes, greater accountability, and enhanced data accuracy in Northside ISD..

Ryan Estes

Ryan is a Customer Marketing Manager for the global award-winning Content Team at Frontline Education. He spends his time writing, podcasting, and talking to leaders in K-12 education.

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