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[How-To Guide] Addressing Student Conduct With Behavior Contracts

A behavior contract is a simple positive-reinforcement intervention teachers can use to address student behavior. It spells out in detail what is expected of the student and the teacher (and sometimes, the parents) in carrying out an intervention plan, making it a useful planning document.

Implementing Behavior Contracts

The key to a good behavior contract is letting the student have a say. Wondering what motivates them? Ask them! The more your students get to help design the reward system, the more motivated they’ll be to carry through on the contract.

Then, select specific behaviors that the contract should include. When possible, define behavior targets for the contract as positive, pro-academic or pro-social behaviors.

For example, you may notice that a student frequently calls out answers during lectures without raising his hand first to speak. In the contract, restate that positively as, “The student will participate in class lecture and discussion, raising his hand and being recognized by the teacher before offering an answer.”

Then, draw up the contract together with the student. In many cases, the student can take part in selecting positive goals to increase his involvement and motivation in participating. If appropriate, invite other school staff members, and possibly the student’s parent(s) to take part as well.

The contract should include:

Troubleshooting: How to Deal With Common Problems

Q: What do I do if the behavior contract doesn’t work?
A: There may be several possible reasons why a behavior contract is ineffective:

Q: How do I respond if the student starts to argue about the terms of the contract?
A: It’s not unusual — especially when a behavior contract is first introduced —to have honest disagreements with the student about how to interpret its terms. If this happens, having a conference with the student to clarify the contract’s language and meaning may be effective.

Occasionally, though, a student may continue to argue that you’re enforcing the contract unfairly. If the student becomes too antagonistic, you may simply decide to suspend the contract, because it’s not having the desired effect. Or you could modify the contract again, this time adding a behavioral goal or penalty clause stating that the student will not argue with you about the contract.

We Want to Hear From You

Do you use behavior contracts to address challenges in the classroom? What practices have worked best for you? Share your experiences, tips and tricks with us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

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