The 2013/14 budget for California provides many schools (K-12 and Community Colleges) with a little bit of breathing room. Of course, much of the new funding will go to smaller class sizes, additional teachers and programs, but many of our customers are also eyeing increasing current teacher salaries, including retroactive pay raises. Escape Online makes this easy. It automates the retro process for you, including retirement reporting. And, it gives you two ways to perform the change: by salary schedule adjustments or by percentage.
Check it out.
As you can see, this is a retro for last year (7/1/12-6/30/13) based on the new salary schedule dated 7/1/13.
Escape Online automatically searches for pay cycles that have a pay period that falls within the effective date range, finding all employees with pay that matches the criteria you specified. For example, you can see that this retro was for employees in the CLAS (Classified) bargaining unit.
Then it puts those employees on a list on the second tab (Retro Pay Lines) of the form, where you can delete employees, if necessary. This retro was for 3,947 employees.
Once you have finished reviewing the list, you can run a snapshot (a report that is like a screen print, only better) and then if everything looks good, you can post the pay.
Escape Online reviews all existing Earnings records based on your selections, computes the proper retro amounts, and generates the retro adjustments. It does not change previous payroll periods. It adds the retro pay as an adjustment in a future payroll (either the employee’s primary pay cycle or the pay cycle/period specified on the form).
Then you are ready to process payroll as usual, where you will see the retro adjustments (in the Adjust Payroll activity) and have an opportunity to review, edit and add as needed.